Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I will not kneel

I will not kneel to your indifference, I will be the cause of all your smiles. I will not kneel to your fake and broken promises, I will create adventures and dreams around you. I will not kneel to your loneliness, you will become a flower in my garden and I shall tend to you. I will not kneel to time and as you wither away I shall be there until the final breath. I will not kneel to death for I vow to live until you call me to your loving arms in the vastness of forever.

Under the rain

Looking at the dark grey sky I stand under the rain, the icy cold sinking into my bones. Wet with my own sorrows, freezing my beat-less heart in the emptiness of my soul. Dying in your absence, aware of the blood pouring from my chest stealing the warmth of my body, filling the air with a metallic smell that reminds me of why i am here all alone in the sea of your disappointment. Awaiting the final breath as your love fades away into nothingness.

Little angel

Little angel you left me so empty and broken, there's nothing on earth that shall fix my forever broken heart. Although I am not angry with you for your faith was not in your hands, nor was it in mine. I scream at God in rage and despair. Not knowing who to blame, not knowing on whom shall my anger be placed on. My little angel I love you with all my heart and i don't forget that in heaven you shall watch over our family with your loving gaze. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Shadow of a man

Here I am trying to find my place in the world like a lost animal, knowing nothing of whats to come and how should I face it. Robbed of all emotion, caring for none, not even myself. As I walk in the valley of shadows following no one, except for the distant memory of the man that once stood before me in the clear edge of the mirror. He looks at me with disdain torturing the face the once smiled to those We loved, yet I love them no more while he fades deeper into the of fog of memories soon to be forgotten by men without honor and heart. Yet I find myself seeking the man that  I once was in order to be him yet again, even if a mere shadow of a man that once stood in loving frame for a beloved family, now loved by none. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

First kiss

Our First Kiss.

Our first kiss was like a jungle of sugar, wild and sweet. The time and the place where not in favor but our hearts could not hold back the desire to taste what the other had to offer. Our first kiss was not plan but it was surely enjoyed. People looked at us in amazement, they had never seen love this pure and sweet. Their stares were not enough to stop our lips from continuing their wonderful embrace. Live was in place of desire and love was what brought us to our first kiss. That's why it is always engraved in my  heart. Never to be erased, because our first kiss was like making a dream into reality. A sweet and amazing dream turned into a kiss.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Guardian

Not very long ago maybe 300-500 years ago lived two young priestess. They were the daughters of a chief of the yokut tribe n they were very beautiful so the chief went to the mountains to  ask Dua the moon goddess for a protector. His request was promptly answered with a magical baby wolf fierce and stronger than 100 bears, the wolf was black and had shades of red n lean yet strong body. Dua also gave the  chief a command seal tht could only be used once. She told him to use it wisely n specifically for the wolf would only do wat he had commanded. The chief understood n he then asked the wolf to follow him n when they where in the village he asked the wolf to sleep in his daughters hut. A year passed n the wolf grew bigger than a bear by the the wolf knew the scent of the girls by heart the chief was very happy for the girls could go where they pleased and be without danger. But one day danger came into the village n the chief used his command seal n the wolf began to guard the girls killing everyone who dare get near them. When the chief when to c them the wolf's muzzle was damped in the blood of friend n foe alike. The chief ran to get his girls but the wolf killed him too. The wolf took the girls n kept them safe n healthy inside the forest for hundreds of years until the moon goddess took their bodies and made them into stars. But their soul were reborn in different bodies over time living forever in different bodies do that the wolf could keep on protecting them. And he has n he will for guard them eternity in different forms n shapes.